Millie Cohen Knows Good Pasta*
Isn’t every girl’s dream to sit on her couch, typing away on her laptop about her favorite things, just like Carrie Bradshaw?
When my friends started Senza a bit ago to bring [gluten/allergen free] pastina to my people, I never imagined they’d ask me to man the pastina blog, but it makes sense that I’d be their Carrie a la pasta. I’ve known your fearless pastina leaders since I was 12 years old and they knew me when I was 13 and diagnosed with Celiac Disease!
I’ll spare you the sob story - except I actually won’t if they’ll let me keep writing about my gluten free escapades through life - but in my now 14 years of gluten free eating, I’ve amassed enough wisdom to share my tips, tricks, secrets, mistakes, and more. But let’s start with something tried and true: Millie’s New York City Top 5.
by Millie Cohen
So there you have it -- my top 5 NYC gluten-free picks. What are yours? Let me know your favorite spots…I don’t know how you do that but the pastina people will.